Some of the shine seems to have come off fintech innovation in 2016.
Startup valuations are dropping; once abundant venture capital is growing scarcer; marketplace lending has gotten bruised — even the self-proclaimed capital of fintech, London, faces an uncertain future with Brexit.
But that doesn’t mean innovation is any less necessary. Indeed, many banks are just now turning their attention to innovation initiatives after years of cost-cutting and retrenching. And it couldn’t come at a better time for eager startups. The time has never been better for banks to partner with fintech innovators — which is where Bank Innovation has seen the industry moving for the past several years.
Partnerships require people, and the executives are the driving forces behind real-world innovation, delivering cutting-edge technology paired with a human touch for the best customer experience. After all, what good is the latest and greatest technology if it’s not in the service of the customer?
Introducing, the 2016 edition of our annual list of 44 innovators who are making next-gen fintech happen.