“If Bitcoin were a person, it would probably be Justin Bieber,” The New York Times proclaimed recently.
That’s exactly why bitcoin is on this list of the 10 Coolest Brands in Banking.
Today, about the easiest way to put that cool sheen on your startup is to link it to “bitcoin.”
By the end of 2013, BitPay, BitPremier, BitPagos, BitWall, and a host of other “Bit” startups were using the brand to leverage the buzz. And, wow, what buzz! Currently, Google Trends, which quantifies — you guessed it — trends, lists four sample trend searches: “Game of Thrones,” LeBron James, and Barack Obama. And bitcoin. This hype largely took hold in 2013.
Where bitcoin goes from here is anyone’s guess. However, in the same recent week that bitcoin was besieged by hackers, Overstock.com, one of the largest companies to accept bitcoin as payment, said it was nearing $1 million in purchases made with the currency. Maybe “Justin Bieber” is just getting started?
Learn more about what’s next in banking at Bank Innovation 2014 on March 3-4 in Seattle. Request an invitation here.