Network and application technology continue to change constantly, causing a large number of CIOs to rethink their Application Performance Monitoring strategies on an ongoing basis. But have the main issues really changed? Frustrated enterprise companies describe exactly the same core problems related to application performance that they did five years ago: End users spot problems first (embarrassing), isolation takes too long (revenue killer), and too many people are involved in the problem resolution process (operationally inefficient).
Although the core problems enterprise companies face haven’t changed, modern applications and complexities in the IT infrastructure mean they require different technical solutions and data gathering approaches.
A blog post recently featured on Wired’s Innovation Insights looks at the vendor-driven storylines IT Operations and Application Developers are bombarded with on a daily basis. It discusses how difficult and time consuming it has become to peel away the layers of marketing, and get to the heart of what any Application Performance Management (APM) technology can actually do for you. It shares a little about the evolution of the APM market and explains how the goalposts continue to move as new technology waves, such as SOA, Virtualization, Cloud Computing, and the expanding services available through Internet and mobile devices, hit enterprise IT approximately every 18 months.
If you are currently trying to clarify your current APM needs, take 5 minutes to read the entire Wired Innovation Insights posting here.
Armed with this understanding of the evolution of APM, I believe you’ll be able to better decide what you require, and remember to look for the appropriate APM solution from a technical implementation and data gathering perspective.
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