Ecliptics, in partnership with TCN, has developed a clean and simple integration between TCN and the Columbia Ultimate Collector System®. Below are a few of the benefits enjoyed by clients using this integration:
1. Saves Time
Call campaigns are set up and instantiated entirely from The Collector System® software; there is no need to go to TCN’s website unless there is some real-time modification in the campaign to be completed. Data transfers occur on the backend via ftp; therefore manual uploads and downloads, file manipulation, and other time-intensive activities are eliminated.
2. Easier To Use
For all the reasons that the TCN Columbia Ultimate integration saves time, it also makes voice broadcasting easier to use. Consequently, this means less staff training, less headache, and more free resources to dedicate elsewhere.
3. Saves Money
It’s so easy and it saves so much time that money is automatically saved. Little staff training, no IT file-transfer headaches, and faster campaign set- up, completion, and results updating.
4. Real-Time Results
TCN can return results automatically on the backend in pseudo real- time to code accounts. This fantastic feature means less separation of workflows and inventory.
5. Reduces Complaints/Compliance Infractions
Real-time results also mean less double calling and less complaint-generating behavior in general. Sending accounts to voice broadcasting historically meant leaving them alone until you received results at the end of the campaign or even the next day; unwittingly, some accounts were also sent to the dialer or to manual queues at the same time as voice broadcasting. Inevitably accounts were called several times as the agents had no way of knowing what action the account had received as the results were not yet updated. The TCN integration eliminates this possibility.