A year to the day since Lehman Brothers’s failure brings introspection and reflection. And in the media, an orgy of “anniversary” coverage. Even President Obama got into the act. His motorcade just rumbled past our offices in Downtown Manhattan after he gave a year-later speech at Federal Hall. Here’s a roundup from far and wide across the web of “I was there” news stories:
Marking Anniversary of Lehman, Obama Touts Regulatory Revamp — American Banker
The Financial Crisis One Year Later — The New York Times
Lessons From the Failure: One Year Later — Bloomberg
Times of Crisis — Reuters
Anniversary Finds Bank Stocks Sliding — Marketwatch
Fuld & Lehmans: One Year On — The Bankwatch
Federal Reserve Mulls Role One Year After the Crisis — NPR
Stiglitz: Banking Problems Worse Than in 2007 — Calculated Risk
Go ahead, gorge yourself on the news coverage.