According to recent reports, it was on 27th November, 2012 that the US Bank announced its intention of buying or rather acquiring a Florida-based company to tap the prepaid card market yet again. The name of the company being FSV Payment Systems, they’re reportedly said to manage the prepaid card programs of governments, companies and all the other financial institutions. The US Bank has been very liberal while praising the processing platform of FSV and the exceptionally smart team of executives at work. With the motive of capturing the prepaid card market, the US Bank, the lead of US Bancorp, anticipates completing the deal in the month of December, 2012 but they’re sure about the time within which they can complete the regulatory approval. When asked the amount with which the US Bank is acquiring the FS Payment Solutions, they strictly denied to disclose but added that the prepaid company will henceforth maneuver under US Bank’s Elan Financial Services Brand.
The US Bank is basically based in Minneapolis and it has been long wishing to expand and grow its prepaid card business. The executive Vice President, Mr. Tony Vuoto has said that the prepaid market has always been their strategic focus over the last few decades and they’re earnestly pleased to inflate their capabilities and also offer a better suite of services for the customers. Although the prepaid cards have always been criticized by the students as they’ve often been subject to hidden fees that have increased their payments outrageously, yet this bank is all set to shove all the myths and offer their services to all the customers.
Fed calls US banks to be safe but doesn’t know the reason behind the statement
Although the US Bank is all set to expand and tap the prepaid credit card market, reports also show that the Federal Reserve is of the opinion that the perceived risk of a huge US bank failure has receded since a few years. Nevertheless there’s a need for more research and study to know this improvement is due to the better government policies or due to the improved and positive economic outlook of the banks. There have been lots of studies utilizing the measures of market risk that also included the credit default swaps and all these show that the size of the huge problem has reduced over the past few years but this still remains large. The President of the Minneapolis Federal Reserve Bank said in a conference by the Boston Fed that although the issue seems to be decreasing, it is still of much concern for the nation.
He is of the opinion that the creditors might believe that there’s very little possibility of their financial institution of becoming distressed as the new bank rules will require more banks to put up more capital. Despite all this, metrics could be improving as the assessment of the macroeconomic conditions by the creditors is also improving.
The President has urged the Federal Reserve to adopt some guidelines for the policy in terms of inflation and unemployment and it’s important to comprehend which monetary policy is accommodative for the banks. The Congress has already set out to determine such issues and it is soon believed to be resolved to help the banking industry.
Jack is a financial writer and he enjoys writing articles on the global financial situation, make money online, stock market, debt consolidation, and mortgages along with other finance related topics. He is also associated with Oak View Law Group.